Happy Pride Month! Before we end June, I think it’s noteworthy to mention Pride celebrations were made even sweeter this year, thanks to a major mid-month victory. On June 15, the Supreme Court ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which protects employees from sexual discrimination, also extends to those who identify themselves along the LGBTQ+ continuum.
Although an encouraging sign of the times, the fact remains that those who identify as LGBTQ+ face challenges their heterosexual peers do not. This is especially true when it comes to financial health and well-being.
In honor of Pride, and as a member of the community myself, I get it. But I also encourage you as a business owner myself you need people in your corner, this is where I come in…
I’m a veteran in payments space, a critical component of a small business’ bottomline. I welcome the opportunity to work with you and am offering a free consultation to discuss how my services and expertise can support yours whether you become a client or not. For all the strides made in defense of LGBTQ+ rights, the challenges facing this population of small business owners in particular are considerable.
And what a population!
Did you know that, according to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, we have approximately 1.4 million LGBTQ+ businesses in this country?
However, as reported by Impacting Our Future:
“Despite these positive numbers, there are real issues that LGBTQ business owners must deal with. Some of these include disclosing their sexuality to their investors, co-workers and customers, and being a victim of harassment and discrimination based on who they are.”
Pride shouldn’t end with the arrival of July. I believe we should honor and elevate our LGBTQ+ colleagues, family, and friends every day, all year. I endeavor to do so by introducing you to solutions that can help avoid or even offset some of the challenges facing any business.
Moreover, if you decide that working together makes sense for you, I will commit a monthly donation to the LGBTQ+ nonprofit of your choice, made in your name.
Please reach out when you’re ready to partner with a professional who relates and has your business — and best interest — at heart.